
Pair programming with vscode

I recently started using LiveShare extension to VSCode and must say it works like a charm. I’ve always been a linux user and didn’t like Microsoft for its opinion about open source but that has changed in the last years and must admit: they’re doing great job building the best IDEs for developers. Visual Studio has been always ahead of other IDEs in terms of features and developer-friendly interface. VSCode gained popularity among web developers and probably is one of the most popular IDEs these days.

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Very good books I read in 2018

Top books I’ve read this year: Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy What’s remarable about this book …is that it’s telling you nothing you wouldn’t know already but it actually helps yout to turn this knowledge into action. Even the book is written the way that keeps you focused on the topic (only 144 pages, no long chapters).

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Sample gitlab ci pipeline for elixir projects

One of the very thing I like to do when starting a project is having a CI pipeline running. It’s really worth to invest some time at the begining of the project and that will pay off in the future when more people join the project and you want to track history of changes or ensure that builds meet restrictions. I think gitlab is offering the best CI integration at the moment.

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What are Goroutines

How does your OS see goroutines? If you’re beginning your advanture with Go, you’re probably attracted by Go’s support of concurrency. That’s the main selling point of this language. If you know some Go, you probably tell your friends that Go’s model of concurrecy is based on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). But how does it look under the hood? Does it use threads, green threads? If someone asked you to explain it how does it look from an OS perspective, what would you say?

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Docker Security

Have you actually ever verified it? If you are a developer, you probably deal with already set up environment and your only job is to write a Dockerfile and push an image to a registry (or even less work if use Continues Integration). Altough I’m going to focus on production environment where Docker images are pulled and running, which is set up by DevOps or sysAdmiss, there’s still a good few things to check on your end to increase the level of security:

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Add libGDX to existing Android (Kotlin) project

LibGDX and Kotlin Current libGDX version (night build v1.9.8) has issues with generating the boilerplate code when ‘Use Kotlin as the main language’ option is selected. the error: You can try generate the code for Java but the gradle scripts generated by libGDX are built for older versions of Gradle than the one used by the newest Android Studio 3.1.2 (stable) and the build process of your Android project may fail.

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RabbitMQ essentials with Go examples

What is RabbitMQ? RabbitMQ is an Erlang-based implementation of AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) which is an open standard that defines a protocol for systems to exchange messages. RabbitMQ provides support for the STOMP, MQTT, and HTTP protocols by the means of RabbitMQ plug-ins. Ok, simply speaking it’s a message broker (it accepts and forwards messages). Core Concepts Publishers (Producers) create messages and publish (send) them to a broker server (RabbitMQ).

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Bonding wifi and ethernet interfaces

How to aggregate multiple network interfaces into a single logical interface? If you haven’t heard about network bonding - it’s a network setup that allows you to use two or more network devices to act as one interface, giving you expanded bandwidth and some redundancy. Basically you can turn a 1 GiB link into a 2 GiB link for the one virtual interface. Usually it’s used to bond ethernet devices, but let’s try to mix wifi and ethernet.

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Distributed system design patterns

How to organize multi-container application Sidecar pattern Let’s start with a single node. It’s a common practice to seperate concerns also on the container levels. One container could act as a static content server, and the other could perform computations. They both exist on the same node and both have access to the same resources - although you may allocate different CPU and memory consumption. Another popular scenario is to have a seperate container that handles logs of the other container as both share the same disk volume.

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Multiple git accounts

How to associate different git account to different projects? Let’s say you have two github accounts, one used at work and the other for your own projects but you want to use both from one linux account. You want to work on each project without a need to type in appropriate credentials everytime you push changes. Firstly you need to generate unique ssh keys for each of them: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your-work-email-address" -f NAME_OF_THE_FILE For instance:

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